galaxy, space, universe

A conversation with an atheist

The following is a hypothetical conversation with an athiest. Albeit, completely one sided, it represents the arguments I would make to an athiest for why it is utterly rational and reasonable to believe in God. I will try to address their arguments as best I can and layout the case for faith, and why it ultimately makes sense.

I am going to ask 5 questions, and in response to these question try to explain how athiest would try to answer, and then explain why their answers do not make any sense, and/or is as big a leap of faith as believing in god. Each question builds on the previous one, so it is not adviseable to jump to the end.

Question #1: Where did everything come from?

And by everything I mean everything…, from the smallest qwark inside an atom to the largest super-mega star? From all the air we breath, to the water we drink, and the dirt we stand on. It was all created! But by whom, and from where did it all come?

There is a funny joke that nicely mocks how an atheists sadly approach this question, it goes like this: Satan was talking to God one day watching him form Adam and Eve out of clay, and he says to God, that does not look so hard I could do that if you would let me. So God said, okay, do it. The Devil, full of pride, bends down to pick up some clay, and god says STOP! Wait a minute, get your own clay!

Our atheist (non-believing) friends stand on the foundation created by god, while at the same time pretending that that foundation even exists. It is like cutting off the branch of the tree you are standing on. They do this by putting forward just two explanations for where it all came from. They say that everything either…, (1) poped into existence from nothing, or (2) it has always been this way…,  there is no beginning, and no end. Both of these conclusions are utterly ridiculous, and even secular science begrudgingly affirms it. 

Scientists have been trying for centuries to prove that you can get something from nothing, and they have failed miserably every time, and they fail for the same reason that satan does in the joke above, they try to create, something, anything, but by using the things, and the principles of nature, that are ultimately created and given to us from God.  

In their great pride, they have even built the enormous CERN particle accelerator that covers the land of 2 countries to prove this point, and they have not ever been successful.  The only thing that science has done conclusively in this field, is to prove that you cannot create something from nothing. They have succeeded at creating new elements that are not found on Earth, by colliding other known elements into each other. But they have never created matter where there was once nothing before. They say it is because they have not elevated science to the point where it is yet possible, but we all know that it will never be possible, simple logic tell you so.

Next is the idea of infinite history and infinite future. This is equally ridiculous. Even Mathematics, the most logical and rational of all the sciences, is wise enough to recognize that infinity is not logical, and they even call it an irrational number. Everything in the universe is a long series of cause and effect. Things beget other things, because atoms randomly bump into other atoms, but at some point there must have been a time where there was nothing and something started all of that motion. It is simply not scientific to think that all of that causation, has no beginning.

As believers in God we believe that everything is the result of a loving divine creator, who began everything, and litterally willed it all into existence.

Thomas Aquinas taught in the 12th century that at some point in the long history of causation, that there MUST be an uncaused cause, or an unmoved mover. And that there must necessarily be some “thing” that is outside of time, and before all creation, which is the creator of all things, and the cause of all causation, and that “thing” is God.

Further, and I find this simply delicious…, Science’s best answer for where it all comes from is “the big bang theory,” but sadly for them, this theory actually supports the idea of a god’s existence, it does not debunk it. This is because that theory was invented by a catholic priest, named George Lemetre, not a God-Hating secularist from the modernist revolution. He proposed that some one caused some thing to bang, and then all of the matter in the universe popped into existence. I know, I know, this is the same “something from nothing” theory that scientists cling to above, but while science believes that they can somehow create something from nothing, they have never been able to actually do it. But if the creator is God, then making something out of nothing is a small feat for Him, and the theory of creation then makes complete logically sense. 

Scientists will try to come up with other answers for how this happened, but logic and reason only points to the un-caused cause, the un-moved mover (ie God), as the only logical explanation that makes any sense of the facts. And the fact that they cling to the Big Bang theory actually confirms the Christian belief that once there was nothing and then everything popped into existence. They just want to try to prove it without God. 

So having considered all that, I ask you now…, Atheists believe that everything either came from nothing or that it always was and will be. Is this what you believe?

Question #2: Where did life come from?

So, assuming that you are right, that all of creation is just the random result of of atoms bumping into each other and the natural progression of things over a very long period of time…, and NOT God, Then I want to know where you think “life” came from? And by life I mean not only all of the self-aware humans that have previously existed and all of the unborn that will ever exists, but also all of the plants and animals of the world.

Our Athiest friends dont know how to answer this, they assert that when things (atoms/molecules) reach a certain level of complexity, that they suddenly became alive? I kid you not! That is what they say. They believe that once a clump of atoms, bumps into another clump of atoms, and then another and another, then eventually, pow, we suddenly have life. 

Not very scientific if you ask me…I hasten to suggest that this is no different than the “something from nothing” hypothesis, above, but it is even worse in my opinion. Scientist insist that there is a scientific explanation for everything, and that nothing is worthy of belief if you can’t scientifically study it, and reproduce it in a lab. But not life, that just happens!

But life is not actually like that. if you add up all of the molecules and atoms that make up a flower (like a molecular shopping list), and throw them all into a blender, and hit ‘pulse’, you will not suddenly get a new flower, you will only be left with gooo! A flower is created, grown from a small seed and formed with a divine purpose. It is ultimately the offspring of other flowers that proceeded it, which were the offspring of others before that. These parts do not suddenly become alive simply because all the constituent parts are present, it requires something else to convert those parts into life. A creator.

Life is so much more than something that humans can manufacture. We cant create life on our own. We can pro-create it, by working with nature to help bring life into the world, but the actual “life” part comes from somewhere else. 

For example, consider a seed. If you keep it in a cold, dry, and dark place it will stay dormant for years, and will never do anything. By all outward appearances, it is completely dead. But if you put it in soil and provide it with water and sunlight, it will grow. Grow! a thing that was once dormant, completely motionless, will start moving, and cells will start growing and dividing, and will start creating the building blocks of a plant, then roots and stem, and eventually fully develop into a flower. Amazing, but what caused that to happen? Can science make that happen? And I dont mean giving it water and sunlight, I mean the dormant lifeless seed going from being completely dormant and lifeless to becoming alive? At any level of scientific inquiry, no matter how detailed, there was once something lifeless, and then it was alive…, atoms were stationary and then began to move. What causes that? Until science can make that happen on demand or simply even explain where it came from, they will always lose this argument, and God the creator of life prevails.

Further, life exists in the most remote and inhospitable places on this planet, Ice caps, volcanos, and even arid deserts. Life (in the form of bacteria) has even been found on other planets. Life is one of those things that happens without Human intervention and often times despite it.

Life is an amazing thing, it fights to survive and reproduce itself, against all odds. It adapts, and changes in accord to its environments, just think about weeds…, dandelions grow just about anywhere and they thrive despite everything we humans do to try to stop them. That is a force that is way more powerful than anything man has ever made, or ever will.

Life is the greatest gift and the greatest mystery of our world, and there is nothing a scientist can do to make it happen, and they cannot explain where it comes from, all they can say is…, it just is!

A subset of this question, that is slightly different but related is why is the life found on this planet so variant? Why are some living things unintelligent and simple (like bacteria and amoebas), while others are incredibly brilliant and complex (like Beethoven, or Davinci)

Our athiest friends would argue that the answer is evolution, and that things that are simple and basic, just have not reached a higher level of evolution yet.

But if it is simply a lack of evolution that is the reason why is it that some animals and insects have not yet evolved to the point of intelligent life, Why is it, that plants and animals that have been around for thousands (if not millions) of years  longer than humans, have not developed higher (rational souls) of their own. Why is it that only humans have risen to this level of higher cognition, in less than 10 thousand years, while all of the other life in this universe is stuck in exactly the same place it has always been. Snakes, aligators, sharks and whales have been on this planet for millions of years longer than humans, and you do not see any of those animals building nuclear power plants or working to cure cancer.

The reason is…, that human beings are special and unique to this planet. I assert that if scientists were forced to concede just this one fact, that there is something that sets us apart from all of the other animals and plants in the universe, then they would have to admit that that difference cannot be explained by evolution, and their entire belief system would crumble to bits. 

If humans were just another animal, and there was nothing special about us, then there would be more than one intelligent species on this planet. But there are not, so that means that there is an order and a plan for this world. An order for a hierarchy of life, that places Mankind at that top of that hierarchy, and a plan designed exclusively for human flourishing. 

As Chrisians, we believe that life is a gift from a loving divine creator. A gift bestowed on clumps of atoms that were organized for a specific purpose…, a divine purpose. Plants and animals were given life to fill the planet with beauty, provide shelter, be sacraficed as food, and ultimately to make a home for man that would provide everything that he would ever need. 

Humans on the other hand were made for something greater, and all of creation, and all of the lower forms of life were created as a gift, to sustain and support Human life so that they could pursue those greater things. The whole universe is a gift from the loving creator to take care of every human need, and satisfy every human desire.

So having considered all that, I ask you now… Atheists believe that life just happens, that when the molecules and atoms of a thing are aranged just so, that life just appears…, Is this what you believe?

Question #3: Where does a soul come from?

So, assuming that you are right, that life is just the natural result of atoms combining randomly until they reached a certain level of complexity and suddenly, for no explainable reason become alive, but you still think that the reason is NOT God… Then tell me where does the soul come from? 

To define a soul I defer again to Thomas Aquinas. He basically says that The soul is the binding force that holds matter together in a form that is intelligible and identifiable. When a plant is organized to have leaves, and long stems, and colorful petals that attract bees, we call that form of a plant a flower, and the form of that flower is the binding principle that holds all of the atoms of that plant together for as long as it is alive. This is what we call a soul. 

A plant’s soul is directed at simply gathering nutrients, growing, and ultimately reproducing itself. Aquinas called this a vegetative soul.

The same principles apply for animals, but their souls are a bit different…, like plants their soul is directed at flourising and reproducing, but they are different because they can also explore and move around. This is called a sensitive soul. They are not aware of themselves as individuals, and they do not contemplate their place in the universe.

Humans are even more different…, humans to have a soul that is much like plants and animals, but the human soul also has the ability to reason and understand. The human soul is called a rational soul, because it is aware of itself and its place in the universe. This is the binding principle that makes a human, a human.

To illustrate further, consider this… My soul is a “Jesse” soul, and it has a “Jesse-ness” that is uniquely “Jesse.” The “Jesse” soul holds all of the atoms that make up the”Jesse” body, together in a consistent form, and holds them in a way that is directed at life, the life of Jesse. I can get fatter or skinnier, I can get stronger or weaker, and I can grow older. But the atoms, no matter how old or new they are to the “Jesse” soul, always present themselves in the form of “Jesse.” When those atoms leave my body, they will take on a different form, like sewage or dead skin, but as long as they are part of me, they are part of what makes me “Jesse”, and that “Jesse” is like no other. 

Our atheist friends dont have answer for what a soul is. No scientist can explain it, where it comes from, or how to measure it, let alone create one. Most Atheists, call it “consciousness” or “self awareness.” They believe that the soul is part of the mind which resides in the brain, but beyond that they dont know what it is, or where it comes from.

Many believe that it just appears like spontaneous combustion when all of the elements of life are just right to allow for it. Similar to how they explain life. But like life, no scientist can make a soul, they cant take that blender full of flower goo and will it into existence, in the form of a soul. Only a soul can hold those parts together, and direct them towards life…, and only God can make a soul. 

Scientists do however, recognize that the thing that makes you, you, whether they call it a soul or not, goes away, when the body dies. They conclude that the soul is just part of the body and that it dies too, after the body stops living, but that is only an hypothesis because they have no way to actually measure it. But when you die, that thing that makes you, you, is gone forever, and will never return. 

When a person is near death, and the life force (or soul) leaves the body, whether the physical body has died or not, the body will not continue on living.  We can, in fact, sustain the body on life support systems, for a while, but once those are turned off, the body dies immediately. The very next thing that happens is that the body begins to disintegrate almost immediately, and within the span of a couple weeks, if that body is not embalmed, It will fall appart, and quickly return to a more elemental form…, astonishingly fast. “Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.”

So if scientist will affirm that the soul leaves when the body dies, then that means that the soul is there when it is alive. But you dont have to be a scientist to know that your own soul is real. Just look in the mirror and tell me who that is. Not what the atoms look like, but who that is? that is your soul, and it is as real as your body, or anything else in this world.

Futher, I assert, that every scientist that tries to deny the soul, or refute its divine origin, ultimately can only do so, by using the rational aspects of their human soul, to argue their case. Whether they know it or not their mere existence and their attempt to argue against the soul, is itself proof that the soul is real and exists, yet they reject it anyway. Every scientist knows that they are unique in this world, and that no other clump of atoms in the universe is just like them, or talks just like them, or thinks just like them. But regardless of all of the denial of the obvious, that even though we cant measure or touch it, no one can deny that their own soul is completely real, and it is utterly unique in the universe.

As christians we believe that the soul was given (by a loving divine creator), to the various forms of life so that they could grow and thrive as unique organisms, and to ultimately pass on their life to the next generation of souls. But it is even more than that, it is about relationship. God made us because He is love, and because He wants to share that love with us, and ultimately for us to return that love to Him. But mostly, I know that I exist, I know that I was created by a loving creator, and I know that it is important that I was made. Because I was made by love, and for love.  And because of that knowledge I know that my life is a gift, and I am grateful for it. 

So considering all that, I ask you now… Athiests believe that a soul is not real, that it is simply just consciousness, or self-awareness. Is this what you believe?

Question #4: Where do goodness, truth & beauty come from?

So, assuming that you are right, that a soul is just the natural result of atoms combining randomly until they reached a certain level of complexity and suddenly, for no explainable reason, become alive, then evolving and changing over the billions of years of creation, achieving even more complexity, until they suddenly develop a human rational soul that will become aware of itself, and its place in the universe, and you still believe that it was NOT God that caused that… Then my next question is where do the transcendentals, goodness, truth, beauty, come from? 

What are the Transcendentals? Again Aquinas helps us here: 

Goodness is the measurement of whether or not a thing, is made up of the materials, that make that thing, that which the creator intended it to be. 

Truth, is the measurement of whether a thing actually is what the creator intended it to be. 

And Beauty, is the measurement of how closely that thing, finally created, resembles the perfect form of that thing in the mind of its creator. 

To make this more clear, lets use the example of baking a cake. A cake is good if it has flour, sugar, and water in a combination and proportion that tastes like a cake. It is true if those ingredients actually were combined in a way that resulted in actually making a cake, and not a biscuit or a tortilla. And it is beautiful, to the extent that it ends up resembling and tasting like what the creator intended it to be. A delicious good looking Cake!

If there is no creator then everything is random, and these trancendentals are meaningless, but the human condition for thousands of years would disagree. We dont need to be told what is good, true, or beautiful becuase we know it in our hearts. It is obvious. 

Our Atheist friends will try to explain these things away as the firing of nuerons in the brain, or preferences due to previous experiences or the result of evolutionary advantages, like Natural selection. Seriously this is how they explain these things, even love, most athiests say is just a chemical reaction, that causes neurons to fire making other things happen. It is absolutely ridiculous.

They do not believe that it is something greater than that, but you dont have to be a scientist to know better. We have countless examples of good and bad, and they have nothing to do with god. Whether it is food, or art, or human behaviour, we as humans know these things when we see them. Sure, there are variances among people and we have laws to reign in those choices that may be extreme or dangerous. We explain most of these differences as simply “tastes” as to why some people like some things and others others. But everyone knows that these trancendentals are real. 

These Transcendentals are a gift, they allow us to enjoy the world around us. To revel in the beauty and abundance of god’s creation. If these things were not real then there would be no difference for us between a boat horn, and a mozart concerto. But we do know the difference, and we would all agree that anyone that would prefer the boat horn is insane. Can a scientist explain why one wine is better than another, or why the Ceiling of the Cistine Chapel is more beautiful than a Jackson Pollack paint splatter? We know there is a difference, and we know that science cannot explain it, and yet they are there all the same. These things are an extraordinary gift, and we have no right to any of them. That is, unless there is a reason for it outside of science.

We christians believe that the human race was given these “transcendentals” from a loving divine creator, who loves his creation so much that he wanted to share it with us, all of His goodness, all of His Truth, and all of His beauty, so that we could come to know Him better, and ultimately love Him through his creation, as much as He loves us. 

So considering all that, I ask you now… Athiests believe that these transcendentals are just random firing of neurons in the brain or chemical reactions… Is this what you believe?

Question #5: What is the reason for our existence?

So, assuming that you are right, that the trancendentals are just the natural result of atoms combining randomly until they reached a certain level of complexity and suddenly, for no discernable reason, become alive, then evolving and changing over the billions of years of creation, until they suddenly develop a human rational soul, that somehow is able to be aware of its place in the universe, but is also able to contemplate and concieve of ideas that are not only bigger than themselves but are utterly intangible and also utterly real, but you still believe that this is NOT God. Then what is the point of our existence… the reason for life?

Our athiest friends would conclude that there is no point, that it is all meaningless. That we are just meat sacks that will all die. And there is nothing else. Im serious. I have read a lot of books by athiests, and their musings on the internet, and this is what they believe. Or at least claim to believe. Richard Dawkins (one of the most prolific athiests in the world) once wrote – “There is, at bottom … no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.” That, to me, is so sad, but nicely sums up their position.

Lets just look at the history of how athiests think we all got here, and see if that makes any sense. 

Everything in science points to the big bang, They dont know if anything existed before the big bang, they dont know what actually banged, and they dont know what caused it to bang in the first place…, but they know that everything in the whole universe came from that one source, and that one moment in time.

Then over billions of years of matter expanding and spreading over all the universe, it started collected itself around gravity wells, it combined, and made atoms, and molecules and then these molecules combined more and more until they made planets, moons, asteroids, and stars. Some of these planets created environments, and even atmospheres. 

And one of these planets, earth, had just the right set of circumstances to support life. The scientists call this the goldilocks condition. And on this planet life just appeared, from nowhere, for no explainable reason. That life reproduced itself over and over and some species were selected to be more advantageous, and thus evolved into more advanced species. While at the same time the other members of that same older species that were not selected or advantageous, maintained the same exact evolutionary state for the rest of time.

Then this remarkable, extremely arbitrary process of evolution continued, on and on, until we had plants, and animals, and fishes, and reptiles, as well as all of the earlier previously disadvantageous mutations. 

And then eventually apes mutated into humans, or at least pre-humans. Some of these humans developed rational souls (out of nowhere), that became self-aware, could ponder their existence, and pursue the transcendentals, and seek greater understanding over their place in the universe. These remarkable human souls created civilizations, laws, and structures that brings peace and security to the wild and crazy world. They write books, that fill libraries, to explain all of this. They develop wine, ice cream, pizza, and chocolate. They write symphonies, and fill museums with art. They make families, that bring love and joy and happiness into the world, and they pass on everything they know to their posterity. And when they die, we mark their graves with stones, and build monuments to their lives, and their acheivements.

But despite all of that love, and joy, and happiness, these athiests believe there is no reason for it…! there is nothing! No reward for a life well lived, no punishment for a life of debauchery and cruelty, NOTHING! They believe that all of this, everything that has ever been or will ever be, is an accident, just a result of random chance. And nothing more!

Does that seem even slighly logical or rational to you?

We christians, on the other hand, believe that God created everything because He is love and he wanted to share that love with all of creation, and to fill our lives with goodness, truth, and beauty, and ultimately to love and be loved for all eternity? 

Here is what I think happened. This is called the scholastic version of reality, originated by aristole, and ultimately perfected by Aquinas.

In the begining there was god, a trinity of Father, son, and holy spirit.  A lover, the beloved, and the love shared between them. Their love was so big that it could not be contained in that original trinity, so profound that it needed to be shared with many more than just themselves. So they desired to fill the whole universe with life. Starting with plants and animals and finally mankind. A creature, made in God’s own image, that would ultimately be able to love and be loved by God.

In order to make this a reality, God started with nothing, and built everything piece by piece. He began by making the big bang, bang! The universe was filled with what is called primary matter. This is not nothing, it is instead a non-thing. Think of the electrons and nuetrons, and quarks, but even simpler than that. Matter just floating around in the universe, but it is completely inert, not moving, not interacting or being anything.

Then God said let there be light, and the laws of physics, chemistry, math, and everything we know about the natural world was imposed upon that primary matter. Electrons started spining around Nuetrons, and became atoms, those atoms combined and made molecules, and those molecules combined to make what we call inorganic matter… aka the building blocks of the universe. The inorganic material began to be organized into complex structures, which were then given the gift of life from god, organized into specific forms (aka souls), and ultimately developed into plants, and animals. 

And then when the whole universe was ready, and the planet earth was just right, God created mankind. He created them in His image, and gave them the rational soul which made them different than anything else in the universe. Utterly unique from all other forms of life!

The angles were created as pure spirits, they had a mind and a free will, but no body. Animals had a body and a will, but no mind. But man was created as gods greatest creation, having a mind, a body, and a free will. We were created like the angels to rationally think about the higher things, and to know and love god, but we were also given bodies because god wanted, us to enjoy the pleasures of physical life and see and feel the gifts of His love for us, all around us in His creation.

So in the end, just like at the beginning, the reason for everything, is love, love of the father for his creation, and the love of His creation for the father. It may not be scientific, and I cant prove it in a lab, but it IS the reason we are all here, to know and love the lord, and to be loved by Him. And to me, this all makes way more sense than what the athiests believe.

So having considered all this, I ask you… Which do you prefer to be true? Atheists believe that there no point to this life? that everything is meaningless? Is that what you believe? Really?

The Conclusion

So if the point of existentence is just the natural result of atoms combining randomly until they reached a certain level of complexity and suddenly for no disceranable reason become alive, then evolve and change over the billions of years of creation, until they suddenly develop a rational soul, that is aware of its place in the universe, and somehow is able to contemplate and concieve of ideas that are much bigger than themselves, but when you die, you die, and there is no point and it is all just meaningless. Is this what you really believe? If so, I am really sad for you. 

But if you are at all now questioning these beliefs, I have something more for you to consider… Why do you not believe that there is a creator that formed your soul with this own hands, and loves you more than you could ever imagine? Is it because of pain you cannot let go, is it because the risk of giving your heart away is too scary to contemplate? Or is it because you are afraid that if you do believe, that you will be changed by that belief?

Will you let go of all of that for just a moment, and join me? Not for a leap off the cliff, but just a small step. The first step is easy, you just have to open yourself to the idea that you might be wrong and that there might be way more to this whole universe than you ever thought possible. You just have to open yourself a little bit to the idea, that God is real, and ask Him to show Himself to you, and allow yourself to be receptive to the wonders and joys that He wants to pour out on you. This is the part that atheists have the most trouble with, because to admit that this just might be possible, is to admit that you just might be wrong. This unfortunately is the devils greatest weapon in the war against God, and it is the same sin that he fell for too, it is called Pride. Pride is like a wall that prevents you from ever seeing a point of view other than your own. It prevents you from opening your heart to love, and it prevents you from the eternity of Joy and Happiness, that God has planed for you, if you just would simply humble yourself and accept that you might be wrong, you might just find out that god is out there waiting to wrap his arms around you and love you more than you ever thought possible.

I believe that there is sound logic, and good reason for believing in God, and I think that the evidence is easily understood by anyone that approaches the topics with an open and rational mind. I do not have to give a single line of the bible to make my case, and I believe that I have done that in this document. The natural world, and our experience of it, is more than sufficient. And the most amazing thing about this… is you do not have to be an astrophysicist, or an geneticist to understand it. It either is true and understandable by common sense, or it is wrong.  And so I assert that when one is confronted with the logical proofs that I have given herein, I believe that the conclusions derived, compell you to respond. You cannot confront the existence of god and go on from that moment unchanged. This knowledge puts a claim on you and actually demands a response.

We must either accept these facts and orient ourselves to God in right worship by obediently ordering our lives according to his commands…, or you must reject this truth and choose yourself to worship and obey instead. There is not a rational third option.  Satan chose himself, and as a result he will spend eternity suffering in hell for that choice. The saints chose God, and they have been rewarded with an eternity of joy and happiness with the Lord. 

But sadly, in these modern times, a third choice has somehow slithered into our world. It is not really a choice, but a lack of choice, and it is truly one of the worst and most evil lies the devil has ever perpetrated. The third option is indifference. People today have simply chosen not to confront the question at all. They choose instead to distract themselves with their phones, or with drugs, or with social media, or by active avoidance. This is not an option though, because the image of god is written on our hearts and that image calls for closeness with the creator, whether you like it or not, that image of god draws you to him. Some people try to placate this call with politics or drugs, or sex, or some other form of secular distraction so that they don’t have to think about anything other than themselves, or pursue anything other than their own selfish desires.  But no matter what you do, that call will not stop, and it will demand that you answer it. Because that call is coming from the image of god, that He placed on your heart, and that call can only be answered by the Lord, none of those other things will ever suffice. 

The first two choices are completely logical, they come down to either humility and faith, or rejection and pride. the third option is completely irrational.  It is like the ostrich burying its head in the sand thinking that the lions will not be able to find it. It makes no sense. 

But when you eventually throw off the distraction of indifference, and actually confront the truth of Jesus, it is then that the true work of the holy spirit begins in your life, and His will for your life will become clearer and clearer. And when you finally identify all of the good works that He has done in your life, I wonder, are you going to then love and worship Him, or are you going to pick up rocks to stone him? That is what he is asking you today. What will you choose?

What is the ultimate reason for everything? well I think J.R.R Tolkien said it best. “So it may be said that the chief purpose of life, for any one of us, is to increase, according to our capacity, our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks.” I hope that when you seriously consider all that was said here, that you too, will be moved to praise and thanks. That is my sincere wish for your life.

Pax Christi.