Via Christi — The way of Christ

  • A conversation with an atheist

    A conversation with an atheist

    The following is a hypothetical conversation with an athiest. Albeit, completely one sided, it represents the arguments I would make to an athiest for why it is utterly rational and reasonable to believe in God. I will try to address their arguments as best I can and layout the case for faith, and why it […]

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Spiritual Warfare

    Introduction The world is at war, not a war that is fought with tanks and rockets, but a war that is being fought for the souls of every man woman and child.  Not only the ones that have already died, but those who are here now, and those who are still to come.  This is a battle […]

  • Arguments for God’s Existence.

    Arguments for God’s Existence.

    Introduction The existence of god is an ancient and perplexing question.  It stems from the human need for purpose and meaning.  Human beings are unique among all animals in that we are self aware.  We look around and ask the simple question what is the point of all this, and why are we here?  Many have tried to disprove […]

  • Why I am catholic

    Why I am catholic

    And why should you be Catholic? Because it is the fullness of the faith! Introduction I intend to show why Catholicism is the fullness of the Faith, and that the catholic church is the one true church, Started by Jesus himself, guided by the holy spirit, and protected for over 2000 years by the catholic […]