Luke 1:57-66, 80

Lectio (Reading)

Read the passage twice and get a sense of what it is saying. Pay attention to what strikes you.

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child
she gave birth to a son.
Her neighbors and relatives heard
that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward her,
and they rejoiced with her.
When they came on the eighth day to circumcise the child,
they were going to call him Zechariah after his father,
but his mother said in reply,
“No. He will be called John.”
But they answered her,
“There is no one among your relatives who has this name.”
So they made signs, asking his father what he wished him to be called.
He asked for a tablet and wrote, “John is his name,”
and all were amazed.
Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed,
and he spoke blessing God.
Then fear came upon all their neighbors,
and all these matters were discussed
throughout the hill country of Judea.
All who heard these things took them to heart, saying,
“What, then, will this child be?”
For surely the hand of the Lord was with him.
The child grew and became strong in spirit,
and he was in the desert until the day
of his manifestation to Israel.

Meditatio (Reflecting)

Slowly read the passage again, pausing on words or phrases that stands out. Take time to consider the meaning. particularly in your life.

“No. He will be called John.” But they answered her, “There is no one among your relatives who has this name.” So they made signs, asking his father what he wished him to be called. He asked for a tablet and wrote, “John is his name,” and all were amazed.

Oratio (Responding)

Read the passage again, slowly. Consider how God has spoken to you and respond back to Him. You may want to consider how this passage is asking you to act differently.

To best understand this reading we must remember in a previous reading, wherein Zachariah is punish with muteness because of his lack of faith regarding the forthcoming miraculous conception of John. Today’s reading marks the fulfillment of that promise. John is born and the elders come to circumcise, and name the newborn John. The elders originally scoff at the name John, and did not think that it was a good name for the son of the High Priest. But Zachariah and his wife were told, by the archangel Gabriel to name him John, and in an act of faithful trust, they confirm that his name would be John. And this faithfulness is rewarded with the restoration of Zachariah’s voice.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important a voice is to a priest. There is no way to do the job of priest without a voice. it would be like a priest today offering the liturgy of the eucharist without hands. it is unthinkable. So the Birth of the this little boy john restored not only his voice, but it also restored Zachariah to the priesthood, and allowed him to serve, proclaim and prophesy once again.

Secondly, it is important to note that the name “John” means “graced by God.” And John was indeed graced, by God. Some of the church fathers have even taught that John was given the gift of freedom of sin. It is not a dogmatic teaching of the church, but some of the wisest church elders have held this pious tradition. But for John, it is believed that this grace was not given until after he was born. Mary was conceived free of sin, and was born free, and lived her whole life free from sin. But, John on the other hand, it is believed, was concieved and born in the state of original sin, but was graced (by God) with the freedom of sin, after he was born. I like to think it was this moment, when he was named John (graced by God), that this freedom from sin was bestowed upon him.

This belief is not a required dogma, but it is considered true by many people. But when you ponder it, it is too perfect to not be true. The angel Gabriel told Zachariah and his wife that “his name shall be John”. So it is safe to assume that that name is what God calls him in heaven, and if that is indeed God’s name for him, then I believe it is safe to believe that John was indeed graced by god with freedom from sin.

John was indeed a very faithful and righteous man. He lived as an essene in the Desert, He owned no possesions, and he devoted his whole life to the watchful waiting for the coming of the messiah. When Jesus arrived, John spent his entire ministry pointing to the one greater than him. And he spoke truth, at all times, even when it would eventually cost him his life. After he died, Jesus Himself said that no one among men was greater than John the Baptist.

So whether or not John was graced with the gift of “freedom from sin” we should always look to him as a model for our lives…, watchfully waiting, preaching the gospel of the Lord, and speaking the truth despite the consequences. St. John the Baptist, Pray for us!

Contemplatio (Contemplating)

Take time to simply remain in the presence of God.

Resolutio (Resolving)

Make a resolution that will improve your life, your relationships, or your faith. Make it small and attainable, and do it.

Please lord help me today to be a small voice that proclaims your word and your second coming into the world.